Season 1
52. How to Create Game-Changing Language Goals
Ready to up-level your language intervention goals? Check out this episode with an excerpt from this week's "Challenge Creates Change: How to Write Game Changing Language Goals" boot camp challenge from our "The...
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51. What's the Most Effective Way to Up-Level Intervention?
Challenge creates change. Research in speech, language and literacy indicate that the more complex the target, the greater the gains. Check out this episode to dive into the why and how behind complex treatment...
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50. A Little-Known Powerful Strategy in Treating Developmental Language Disorder
Intervention aimed at improving verbal working memory has been dismal. Then along came oral narrative intervention, which has demonstrated efficacy in improving language comprehension and expression at the preschool...
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49. If Not Grammatical Morphemes, Then What Counts for Preschoolers?
What are the early indicators of developmental language delay (DLD)? What's the hallmark impairment of DLD? How can we reliably assess DLD using standardized tests and spontaneous language samples?
If you'd like the...
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48. Are You Wasting Your Time Assessing Grammatical Morphemes?
Should you assess grammatical morphemes at age 3? The combination of a lack of normative data, great variability, and unreliable assessments suggests grammatical morpheme assessment of three year olds is simply not an...
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47. What Prevents and Promotes Speech for Children with Autism: Minding the P's
Today, I share my single greatest mistake in 20 years of being an SLP in my misguided attempts to encourage speech as well as five effective strategies that promote speech development for children with Autism. Thank...
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46. Speech Perception: Just One Piece of the Puzzle When It Comes to Literacy
Do you assess speech perception? How much of an impact does it have on overall literacy development? In this episode, I share my super simple, quick method of evaluating speech perception and how speech perception...
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45. Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Literacy Skills: Five Areas of Concern
In this episode of the podcast, we discuss five areas of concern for those with childhood apraxia of speech. We cover issues such as communication, language, speech, reading, writing, and more. If you work with...
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44. Let's Talk EBP! Emotionally-Based vs. Evidence-Based Practice
Today, more than ever SLPs need to draw a line in the sand between emotionally-based practice and evidence-based practice. Research your practice. Your clients' response to intervention will tell you what to do less...
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43. Three AAC Messages from My Three Biggest AAC Mistakes
Are you like me, always struggling to improve your practice with AAC? I'm always at the drawing board with a vision of AAC being used seamlessly by all of my students with limited speech.
Check out this episode to...
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42. How to Research Your Practice: It's as Easy as A,B=See!
If a beginning SLP were to ask me for my absolute best, single piece of advice to create change, my advice would easily be to research your practice. It's true. I've learned the most game-changing strategies from...
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41. Five Strategies to Make Print Meaningful for Preschoolers with Autism
How can we help children with ASD move beyond letter knowledge? The latest research gives us insight into limitations in print knowledge unique to preschoolers with Autism. This episode covers five evidence-based...
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